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BREAK task_description [signalmask|C|D|E|F]
* BREAK sets some signals at a given task
* task_description can be one of:
- task/process name (case dependent !)
- task/process adress
- CLI-process number (one from 1 to 20)
- zero (0) for this task
It will be checked if the node-type field contains TASK or PROCESS
* signalmask is a longword; all bits, which should be signalled,
must be 1 . Alternatively you can specify c,d,e or f to set
the according signal to CTRL-C,-D,-E or -F. (CTRL-C is bit 12)
* BREAK without signalmask (and c,d,e,f) given sets all signals the
task is waiting for.
eg. break RexxMaster {and it will be gone...}
break Exchange c {Exchange will get itself off too}
eg. If 2 ZShells are running. The one with the CLI-number 1 (get that
out with prompt %n) lists a very large directory. You can break
that by using the other ZShell typing:
break 1 c
Thats the same like you pressed CTRL-C on the ZShell number 1.